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New Company Sign Up

New Commercial Customer Form

Please use this form to submit your request to become a new customer of Michlig Energy, Ltd. Complete the form as thoroughly as possible to help us complete your request in a timely manner.

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Company Info

Is your company a Sole Proprietorship? Yes

Are you tax exempt? Yes

Company Mailing Address

Delivery Address

Same As Mailing Address

Contact Info

Products Needed

Fuels (Diesels, Gases)

How did you hear of us?

Michlig Employee

Financial Info

Credit References

List obligations such as Finance Companies, Utility Companies, Etc.

Terms of Service

I agree that the following terms will govern any purchases made which are charged to any account that I may have with Michlig Energy, Ltd.

  1. I will pay the entire balance according to my account terms. (Discounts may be offered on certain bulk product purchases bases on the marketing program.)
  2. I understand that a FINANCE CHARGE of 1.50% (an annual rate of 18.0% per year) will be applied to that part of any balance not paid before the last billing day of the following month plus any previous balance that remained unpaid.
  3. Payments shall be applied first to the unpaid FINANCE CHARGE, then to the remaining outstanding balance.
  4. In the event that collection proceedings must be instituted to collect any balance due, I will be subject to a collection fee have up to 30% of the balance due and/or court costs.
  5. If applying for a joint account, both of us agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement and each of us agree to be jointly and severely liable for payment of all purchases made.
  6. Accounts that reach 60 days past due shall be deemed cash only. The company at its option may limit or terminate charge privileges at any time. I, the undersigned, agree to the terms of Michlig Energy, Ltd. credit policy. I request credit to be extended to me under these terms and agree to act and remit in accordance. I further understand that by signing this application, Michlig Energy, Ltd is not bound to extend credit. I authorize by my signature below, any employer, financial institution, or other creditors that may or may not appear on record to release information pertaining to my credit.
Signature of Applicant

Submission will be dated March 31st, 2025

Signature of Co-Applicant

Submission will be dated March 31st, 2025

By submitting this form, I the undersigned, agrees to the terms of Michlig Energy, Ltd. credit policy. I request credit to be extended to me under these terms and agree to act and remit in accordance. I further understand that by signing this application, Michlig Energy, Ltd. is not bound to extend credit. I authorize by my signature above, any employer, financial institution, or other creditors that may or may not appear on record to release information pertaining to my credit.